Import / Name / Organize image sequences

I am having trouble figuring out how to start to tackle this problem. I have about 75 shots in sub folders that have dpx image sequences in them.

I want tool kit to pop up a dialog box asking me to select the folder on my hard drive then loop though all the folders and sub folders and import the image sequences. I would then like tool kit to create compositions based on the image sequences and put the comp and footage in a folder by the name of the original image sequence in my AE project window.

I would next like tool kit to change the interpret footage color profile of the image sequences to Canon-log - Rec. 709 Daylight from the default import. I want to do this last so I can turn it off encase I am using a non ACES workflow.

Can you please point me in the direction of how to accomplish this?

Thank you so much!!

Hi @actionTurtle,

This automation is quite complicated so I am happy to help with it!

the only part in this automation is not possible is to change the interpret footage color profile of the image sequences to Canon-log - Rec. 709 Daylight from the default import, because it is not supported in after effect with scripting.

i created this automation for you,

the automation I created asks you for a folder with images sequences, it then searches this folder for subfolders with image sequence in them, each images sequences should be in a separate sub-folder for it to work, there should only be files in an image sequence folder, the automation imports the image sequence to the project, adds a new folder to the project, changes the name of this folder the the name of the imported image sequence, then it use the menu command to “create comp from selection”, it will create a new comp with the image sequence, then it will move the folder and the composition to the folder.

I colored the automation with multiple colors based on functionality-

Teal - ask the user for a folder
Purple - loop through the folder and find an image sequence
Green - import the image sequence
Yellow - add the project folder and its the name
Blue - create the composition with the image sequence
Red - move the composition and the image sequence into the new folder and change the composition name to the image sequence name

(please note that this automation will import every image sequense format and not only dpx, if you want i can add a condition to tell it that it will import only files with dpx extension).

Download -
Import Image (4.4 KB)

Please let me know if you have more questions.